четверг, 14 марта 2013 г.

Keeping the Diet Simple for Weight Loss

Every New-year millions of people make resolutions to lose weight. They're not sure how they just want to lose weight. With the hundreds of thousand weight loss books available choosing one for you will be almost impossible. Many of the diets have a new marketing program and the diets are re-written and resold.

So what do you need to look for in a diet? The sad truth is that there are very few diets that have all the basic components of a good diet plan. There are four components that make a successful diet plan. You need a well balanced diet, you need to understand how to set goals, you need to be taught how to change your eating habits, and lastly an exercise routine to help you lose weight and look good. Most diets will have two or three but rarely all four. Most diets tell you that you need to include exercise with your diet but again rarely explain what you need to do.

Before choosing your diet, sit down with a paper and pencil and write out your goals. Start with how much weight you want to lose. Consider the time frame you are working with. If you need to lose fifty pounds in two months that will not happen nor is it safe for your body. Figure one to two pounds a week is a safe guideline. Can you lose more? Yes you can but some of the weight lost may be water weight or muscle being used for energy.

After you have determined how much weight you want or should lose simply figure two pounds a week and determine the number of weeks it will take. Do not be surprised if it takes more than a year. You have to remember that your body needs to adjust to healthier food you will be eating and the new exercise routine. Do not worry how long it will take; you may change your mind and the amount of weight you need to lose as you learn more about dieting and yourself.

Your goal setting phase will take some time. You need to sit and think this through. Take your time and plan you r weight loss plan. You need to include daily and weekly goals, some midterm goals and finally long-range goals. Plan your goals and be specific. Leave no doubt as to what you want. Make these short-term or daily goals specific as possible. I am going to drink at least eight glasses of water, or I will exercise every other day. Make the goals personal.

One of the most basic facts you need to learn is that if you are extremely overweight or obese you are making a lifestyle change. That means you will eventually be on a maintenance diet in which you can eat some things that you like but be restricted on other. Why would you want to lose all this weight then turnaround and gain it all back?

When it comes to exercise for your plan most diet books give you a basic plan or most likely no plan at all. They do tell you need to exercise but what types and how much will be left up to you. There are hundreds of exercise books but look for the book that designs the routines for weight loss. You are not looking for bodybuilding or exercises for certain sports but a program that targets your areas of excess fat.

When planning on a new diet and hopefully your last you need to map out what meals and foods you will be eating. You need to understand exercising for weight loss and be able to modify or change your eating habits. So when looking for a new diet makes sure you have all the proper components for weight loss.

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